Profiles and Activities


Naoaki Shibasaki(Professor)

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Affiliated Specialty Division Division of Environment System Management
Specialized Field of Study Hydrogeology, Groundwater Basin Management, Applied Geology
Final Academic Background Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Shinshu University
Academic Degree Doctor of Science (Osaka City University)

Courses In Charge

Groundwater Basin Management
Groundwater is precious and limited water resources for human beings. For sustainable groundwater use, characteristics of groundwater quantity and quality should be examined based on the study of groundwater basin structure and aquifer properties. In the subject, we will learn methodologies and technologies for groundwater basin management with case studies in Japan and abroad.
Survey for Groundwater Basin Management
Occurrence of groundwater is generally invisible. So we need to learn investigation methods of groundwater flow, groundwater quality, structure and aquifer properties of groundwater basins. In a groundwater basin, we also learn how to investigate actual groundwater use conditions and residents' willingness of water use for better groundwater basin management.
Geosciences, Laboratory
We will practice how to investigate subsurface geology and groundwater conditions by geological and geophysical methods.
Earth Science
Earth Science is an essential subject not only for environmental field of science and technology but also for all the people living on the earth.

Main Research

At present, Shibasaki's Laboratory carries out following researches in Japan and abroad:
* Estimation of 3-D distribution of aquifer parameters based on hydrogeological analyses
* Artificial groundwater recharge utilizing paddy field in winter for recovery of natural springs
* Reveal mechanism of groundwater contamination by arsenic to find mitigation measures in Bangladesh, Vietnam, Cambodia, etc.
* 3-D groundwater flow simulation in different groundwater basins
* Goal settings and evaluation of groundwater basin management plan based on actual field conditions

Introduction of Laboratory

In Shibasaki's Laboratory, we study groundwater resources in various parts of Japan and the World. Under the different climatic, hydrologic, and geologic settings, we study dynamic groundwater conditions by field investigations and groundwater simulation analyses. Based on the studies, the methodologies for sustainable groundwater use are proposed to prevent groundwater hazards such as land subsidence and worsening of groundwater quality.

Recent Writings, etc.

1. Shibasaki, N. (2016): Precise Hydrogeological Facies Modeling for Vertical 2-D and 3-D Groundwater Flow, Mass Transport, and Heat Transport Simulation. M. Thangarajan & Vijay P. Singh Eds., Groundwater Assessment, Modeling, and Management, 251-267, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 511p.
2. 柴崎直明・長橋良隆(2016):裏磐梯・猪苗代地域の物質循環・水循環の過去~現在~将来.裏磐梯・猪苗代地域の環境学,福島大学磐梯朝日遷移プロジェクト(塘 忠顕 編著),福島民報社,229-236.
3. 柴崎直明(2016):地盤沈下と地下水の水質―粘土層(難透水層)に注目してー.地学教育と科学運動,76,73-81.
4. 柴崎直明(2015):福島第一原発の汚染水問題―その地質学的背景と課題―.地球科学,69,5,267-282.
