Profiles and Activities


Takashi Asada(Associate Professor)

Home Page アイコン

Affiliated Specialty Division Division of Industrial System
Specialized Field of Study Resource Materials Science and Engineering, Sanitary Engineering
Final Academic Background Graduate School of Engineering, Nagaoka University of Techonology
Academic Degree Ph. D.(Nagaoka University of Thechnology)

Courses In Charge

Sanitary Engineering
The prevention of environmental pollution for symbiosis of industry and humans are discussed. Furthermore, environmental pollutants form the industry and the analysis methods are explained.
Resource Circulation
Resources and wastes are discussed. Furthermore, materials and energies for sustanable development are mainly explained.

Main Research

We work on development of materials for environmental purification, high functional materials and an energy conversation technology using renewable biological resources such as biomass in order to construct the sustainable development with the symbiosis between humans and the environment. Especially, the charcoal obtained by carbonization of biomass have been mainly used as a fuel from the old days, but those also have many functions such as adsorption of chemicals, humidity control, a heat insulator, and electromagnetic shielding effectiveness. However, the use by many people have based on an experience, because many functions of the charcoal have not been resolved by a scientific approach. Our objective is to resolve the function of the charcoal by the scientific approach, and to develop an application for various fields by the use of the function and composition with other materials.

Introduction of Laboratory

In our laboratory, the students will study and research to develop abilities for research of a literature, a planning, action based on a plan, a search of a problem, resolution of the problem, a report or a presentation and communication with others. I want the students of our laboratory to acquire the abilities demanded in society by the study and the research.

Recent Writings, etc.

1. Takashi Asada,Yuu Kawamura,Fumiya Watanabe,Environmental Solution Technology,18(1)85-89(2018)[in Japanease]
2. Asumi Sugawara, Takashi Asada, Preparation of cedar charcoal loaded with copper oxide using ball mill; catalytic performance for ethanol dehydrogenation reanction, Wood Carbonization Research, 13 (1) 24-30 (2016)[in Japanease]
3. 技術予測レポート2023(下)「低炭素社会を目指す」日本の技術編,株式会社日本能率協会総合研究所,分担執筆 「金属複合によるバイオマス炭素化物の高機能化と多面的利活用の可能性」,71-82(2013)
4. Takashi Asada, Masaki Hiratsuka,Chemical Engineering,58(9)70-74(2013)[in Japanease]
5. Reiko Watanabe, Tsugiko Takase, Takashi Asada: Carbonization of wood biomass loaded with calcium and its use in phosphorus removal from an aqueous solution, TANSO, 254, 169-175(2012)
6. Takashi Asada, Junichi Shima, Tsugiko Takase and Kuniaki Kawata: Application of activated carbon from sawdust and eggshells to zinc removal from an aqueous solution, Wood Carbonization Research, 8(2)61-68 (2012)
7. Masaki Ohno, Nami Okamura, Tomohiro Kose, Takashi Asada and Kuniaki Kawata:Effect of palladium loaded activated carbon on hydrogen storage, Journal of Porous Materials,DOI 10.1007/s10934-012-9567-0 (2012)
