
    Historical Changes of Relationship Between the Sounds Represented in Haiku and the Context in
    which ths Sounds are Heard


Koji Nagahata


Bibliographic information
Koji Nagahata and Shin-ichiro Iwamiya
Soundscape (Journal of the Soundscape Association of Japan), 1, 73-78, (1999).


The purpose of this study is to reveal the historical changes of relationship between the sounds represented in Haiku and the contexts in which the sounds are heard; seasons and places. The strength of relationship between the sounds and the contexts are defined using entropy. The differences of entropies among each era are examined. In conclusion, (1) the dependence of each season on sounds shows steadiness as a function of seasons and era; (2) the dependence of each sounds on seasons shows steadiness as a function of era; (3) also the dependence of each place on sounds shows steadiness as a function of era; (4) the dependence of each sound on places have been stronger with time.

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