logo: COVID-19 soundscape

October 1, 2021: Sendai Station West Concourse (in front of the center gate)
On the night when the stronger measures to prevent the spred of the coronavirus were finished, the number of people passing through the main concourse of Sendai Station was about similar to the day before this day. The number of people who were wating their friends was also similar to the day before this day, but majority of them left there as soon as they met their friends: one of the reason may be the restaurants and bars in the station building opened till 10:00 pm, from this day.

October 1, 2021: Sendai Station East and West Free Pass
The number of people passing through the pass was a little bit more than the day before this day. However, less bences (about 80 %) were occupied than the day before this day: maybe because the restaurants and bars in the station building opened till 10:00 pm, from this day.